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Every year, I always write about Thanksgiving and offer new ways to make your holiday more filled with Jesus’ presence. And as such, I wanted to present to you all of our resources, both from the past and some new ones for this Thanksgiving, so you can really make the most of this holiday.
And even though Thanksgiving isn’t a traditional Church holiday, it is a time for celebrating a virtue important for our Christian faith.
In this issue:
Start off by measuring how well you are doing in living a life of thanksgiving with our free Gratitude Quiz. Another great resource is our free gratitude journal that will help you prayerful reflect on how much there is to be thankful for to God.
Learn how to letter Grateful, Thankful, & Blessed with this free resource.
Get your guests and family sharing their gratitude through these great ideas: Thankful Conversation Placecards, How to Create an Easy Gratitude Board For The Big Turkey Day.
I have also put together a wonderful Christian worship playlist for you to play on Thanksgiving or really anytime to create an atmosphere of gratitude towards God.
We also have a beautiful and meaningful Thanksgiving dinner prayer that you can say at dinner or prep your heart with these 30 prayers of Thanksgiving and Gratitude for your personal prayer time.
For more quiet time Christian formation, we have 30 Scripture for Thanksgiving with my beautiful hand-lettered images to help inspire you.
Perfect for kids, families, or individual reflection, there is also the 101 Things To Be Thankful For Christian Challenge. This short Challenge is great to do alone or with your family as you give thanksgiving and praise to God for these amazing 101 things!
Food for Thought: we have a couple of great articles about how to keep your inner peace and stay internally connected to God during a busy holiday. Read 5 Steps To Keep God’s Peace During A Busy Holiday. And we also have this great thought-provoking article about fighting the inclination and desire to have the perfect holiday: Read The Problem of Perfectionism.
And if you are really looking at trying to make Thanksgiving into a more Christ-centered holiday, giving thanks to God for all that He has done and is doing, then you must read this article: How to make your Thanksgiving more Christ-centered.
Also, it’s never too late to join our Forevergreen Membership.
This month’s theme is cultivating a more thankful heart. You will get the choice of three different planners or even get the content delivered daily through email. In addition, we have an excellent Bible study this month on gratitude which should elevate your understanding and practice of this important lifestyle choice.
Joining Forevergreen not only helps you become a better disciple but it helps fund our ministry to be able to reach hundreds of thousands in Jesus’ name. We hope you prayerfully consider joining this epic and new way of women’s discipleship.