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Are you seeking some prayer for guidance and wisdom in your life? Well if so, we have a great list of quick prayers that you can utilize to help you glean God’s guidance.
Prayer For Guidance
God, I seek your guidance. I need it. I cannot make the right decisions on my own. Please make your way clear to me. Help me to have no doubt that this is your direction. Amen.
Holy One, I know your way is the only way I should seek. You are the ultimate source of wisdom and guidance. I thank you for leading me in my life. Amen.
God, life made in my own power and strength is no life at all. I need your help, I need to learn your ways and I need your direction. I need to know where you are calling me. Please help me to hear You clearly. Amen.
God, sometimes life is really overwhelming and situations are confusing. I’m not sure what to do. Would you please intercede? Will You please help me make the right choice? Amen.
Lord, I love You and thank You for always being there for me. As I seek your way, I ask that your peace overcomes me as I wait for your still voice to show me the way. Amen.
Click the button below to access more prayer for guidance
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