Dragon Tail Game Instructions

Dragon Tail Game Instructions

If you like games that get the youth moving, burning energy, and having a lot of fun, then Dragon Tail is for your teens! The rules for Dragon Tail can be taught in just a minute, but your group will beg to keep playing it because of how wild and crazy it gets. Plus,...
60 Second Objects

60 Second Objects

A little imagination, creativity, and flexibility are all that’s needed to play 60 Second Objects, a game that your youth will find both fun and challenging. In this game, youth are divided into teams, and everyone will compete to build the best functional...
21 Football Game Instructions

21 Football Game Instructions

Youth groups (at least in the United States), always want to play some form of football. But the tackling, hitting, and other physical elements make it nearly impossible to do safely. However, we have for you a safe version of football that combines exciting elements...
Charades Relay Game Instructions

Charades Relay Game Instructions

Everyone loves charades, but it can get a little predictable, right? Well, one way to spice up this classic game is to turn it into a big crazy relay! Charades Relay will add more competition, excitement, and energy-burning into a game that your youth almost certainly...
Walk Together

Walk Together

We’ve all heard the phrase, “Do as I say, not as I do.” But when playing Walk Together, the right way to describe it might be, “Don’t do as I say, but rather the opposite!” Walk Together is a game about reaction time, thinking, and...
Kick The Can Escape Game Instructions

Kick The Can Escape Game Instructions

“Kick The Can” sounds like the most boring game possible…right? Not this version! Your teens will love playing this fast-paced, energetic game while burning lots of energy in the process. Kick The Can Escape is a simple to learn game that only...