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55 Would You Rather Questions For Youth Groups
One of the all-time best games to play with any youth group is "Would You Rather?" and we have a massive list of questions to keep the game interesting and fun! If you aren't sure by what we mean, "Would You Rather?" is a simple game that requires no preparation or...

Four Square Tournament Game Instructions
Four Square Tournament is a fast-paced, energetic take on a classic game that will keep the competition and interest level sky-high. This game features classic Four Square play at heart, but adding the creation of a tournament will raise the stakes and bring it to a...

Band Aid Tag Game Instructions
Band-Aid Tag is the perfect game to burn energy and requires no prep! We are going to provide you with a variation to this game to suit the size of your group and their skill levels. In this simple tag-style game, youth will have to cover their tag spot with their...