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Prayers For A Newborn Baby

Lord, I want to do my best to parent this baby, but I don’t always know what to do. I’m afraid of making mistakes and I don’t want to burden them with my failures. Guide me, Father, and show me how to be a good parent like you. Amen.

God, it’s hard to believe that I was once just like this little baby. There has been so much wear and tear on my body and spirit, but I was once innocent and sweet like this child. Lord, I pray this baby doesn’t experience all the heartache that I have, and instead see your goodness everywhere. Amen.

God, I am just so thankful for the precious time I have with this baby. I know that they will grow up one day, but I’m just happy to have these sweet moments right now. I pray that I’ll always remember with joy the experience of having this baby and cherish it forever. Amen.

Lord, when I look into this child’s face and see my features reflected in them – I see the miracle of Your creation. To see my features reflected in this child is astonishing, almost like a second chance at my life. I pray that this baby always recognizes the love and kindness you’ve given me. I pray that you’ll be their God, just like you are mine. Amen.

God, I pray strongly that the power, love, and guidance of the Holy Spirit follows this baby all their days. May they always be wrapped up in You and Your love. For if this happens, their life will be amazing. Thank you God for this child and for Your love. Amen.

God, when I look at this child, I’m astonished that you were able to give up your Son. I could never willingly send my baby away on a mission like you gave Jesus. I can’t begin to comprehend Your love for me and I never understood it this way until having this baby. Thank you, God, for your endless love. Amen.
Additional Resources
We have also created a great list of Scripture for your newborn baby. You can check these encouraging and guiding verses here: 20 Bible Verses About Babies.