Alexis Waid
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The One Week Christian Weight Loss Challenge!

Are you looking for a jump start for your diet? In this 7-day weight loss Challenge, you will not only work on your weight loss goals, but also allow God to provide you His guidance, support, and love on your journey. Christian weight loss isn’t a quick fix, but it does have lasting change!

The lasting change is an adjustment in our thinking, in our actions, and in our hearts and minds. These things are far more valuable than weight loss because lasting results happen when our mind and body are aligned, and who better to align them then God!

As Christians, we believe that God is the source of life, all life. Through Him, we find our true selves and full health.

When it comes to dieting, we often either work on it alone or simply pray the pounds away. Both are extremes. I believe that God is looking to meet us in the middle and join us on our journey equipping us through His power, strength, wisdom, and love. And that is what this Challenge is all about, it is a little jump start for you to fuse your relationship with God and your dieting ambitions.

In all areas of life, God is able to be the Lord of it all, if we only offer and abide. It takes an active role on our part to return to God over and over and connect to Him. For it is us who wanders away so quickly and frequently. God never leaves us, but we must attune our minds and hearts to He who is with us always, or we end up just walking in our own strength and power-which doesn’t accomplish much.

In this Christian Weight Loss Challenge, you will receive a daily email for 7 days that contains:

  • Daily Scripture
  • Daily Challenge
  • A Daily Prayer Prompt
  • And some guiding thoughts for putting the Challenge into practice for the day.

Sign up for The One Week Christian Weight Loss Journey

Additional Resources

We have additional weight loss resources!

  • Prayers
  • Articles
  • And More!

Check out all these awesome resources right here: Spiritually Hungry’s Free Christian Weight Loss Resources.

Sign up for The One Week Christian Weight Loss Journey


Weight Loss Challenge

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