Aaron Waid
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“No Way! I didn’t know that about you!” – this is a phrase you’ll hear a million times while playing “Changes Places If…” This is a great game to help your group get to know one another better, and perhaps discover shared commonalities you didn’t know existed!

“Change Places If…” is a very simple game that requires absolutely no materials or preparation, and can be played with groups both large and small. Additionally, you’ll undoubtedly find a lot of uses for this game, because it requires no materials or prep. You can play “Change Places If…” as a main youth group game, or utilize it as a short icebreaker. It’s also the kind of game that you can play on a trip or during periods of waiting to fill the time.

Materials Needed – None

Number of Players – 5 Minimum, No Maximum

Before The Game

Technically, no preparation is needed to play this game. However, spending a few minutes writing down good questions to ask can potentially make the game less stressful to play for the leader, who will have to come up with a few questions every minute that you’re playing. Try to think of questions that will result in 1/4 to 1/2 of the group moving for each round.

Game Instructions (Read Aloud To Group)

We’re going to play game called “Change Places If…” First of all, everyone should stand in a circle (give a moment for the circle to form). In this game, the “leader” is going to call out a series of statements that may or may not relate to your life. For example, the leader will say, “Change places if you’ve ever swam in the Pacific Ocean!” If that’s something you’ve done before, you will change places so that you’re no longer standing next to either of the people beside you now. If you haven’t done what “the leader” calls out, then you’ll simply stay put. The game continues for ten rounds (or however many you choose). Each person should keep track of the number of times that they change places. The person or persons who change places the most are the winners. (You can also offer a reward for the person who changes places the least!)

Game Variations

Rather than having one leader ask questions, you can have students alternate asking the questions.