Aaron Waid
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Welcome back to the Be The Light Challenge! In this post you’ll find instructions for Days 13 and 14 of the Challenge, just keep reading for more instruction and ideas for how to complete Days 13 and 14. And if you happen to just be joining us and want to start from the beginning or learn more, simply visit this page for more information on the Be The Light Challenge.

Social media and electronic communication have completely changed the way everything in our world functions, including how we interact and have relationships with one another. At any given moment, you can read the opinions of high school friends you haven’t seen in 20 years on Facebook, or check out what a co-worker is having for dinner on Instagram, or text or email your parents to just see how they are doing.

However, social media can also be plagued by negativity, from gossip and speculation, to insulting comments and memes, to relentless griping and group complaining. Like so many things, social media has the potential to be used for good and to magnify the name of our good God, or it can be a place where darkness grows and spreads.

Since this is the Be The Light Challenge, you can imagine where this is leading if you’ve been following this series of Challenges!

The Day 13 Challenge is to spend some time with God thinking about your role and place on social media and electronic communication.

Are you someone who use social media and electronic communication to lift up friends, pray for one and support others, share encouraging words, or simply be a cheerleader for your family, friends, and community? Or do you tend to find yourself drawn towards the negative aspects of the internet, whether you really intend to be or not?

Bring these questions before God as part of your Day 13 Challenge. Ask God to highlight for you how you both represent yourself on social media and what the desires of your heart are. How can you God use you to shine the light of Christ through social media and electronic communication? How can you be a blessing to others and example of what a true disciple looks like, even online?

So again, spend time for Day 13 in prayer reflecting and focusing on who you are as a representative of the Gospel online. Ask God to show you how you can grow in your ability to love God and others through you who you are online.

Your Day 14 Challenge is shine the light of Christ online, in whatever capacity you feel led.

You could make a Facebook post and share about your faith, or spend time making encouraging comments to friends. You could share an Instagram photo of your family with an update on how each is doing and how they’ve blessed you personally this year. You could send a group email to co-workers appreciating them for their hard work. You get the idea – take some of the inspiration and insights from completing the Day 13 Challenge and focus them into how you plan to share the light today.

As always, begin with prayer and ask God to bring to light what He’d like you to do and how you can share the light of Christ with others online today. Really take a moment and prayerfully reflect before acting, and don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone!

Ok, that’s all for Days 13 and 14 of the Be The Light Challenge! Again, if you’ve missed any of the challenge days, just check here to find more information and to catch up.

Merry Christmas, and we sincerely hope and pray that these two Challenges help you grow in your identity as someone who reflects Christ’s light in the world, as well as blessing those in your life!