Alexis Waid
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What would your relationship with God look like if you turned to Him continuously for just one day?

Would it make a difference? Would you become closer to Him? What would happen?

Prayers | Prayer Life | Closeness To God

This Challenge can be done on any day – even your busiest work day.

As you take this Challenge, you’ll follow your normal routines – except, you’ll be carving out intentional time for prayer along the way.

We believe that any action that is deliberately seeking God is the right action and God can do a lot with a little. We’ve seen it in our own lives and we have seen it in our ministry to countless other Christians.

But you see, prayer isn’t something that’s easily taught. There isn’t a “skill” to prayer, and although it might sound nice to the ear, prayer has nothing to do with how beautifully you can construct a thought.

Prayer is all about intentionally creating a connection with God, spending time with God, and giving over our needs, desires, worries, and everything else to God.

We created this Challenge because we sincerely want to help you develop a better, deeper and more fulfilling prayer life. And if there is one thing we know about prayer, it’s that you just have to do it and see where God leads you. It seems like everyone’s experience with prayer is different, which is only natural. God created us all unique, and His relationship with each of us is just as special.

But, one path to that profound prayer life could be devoting an intensive period of time to prayer, and that’s what this Challenge is all about. Get your copy today, and find a day in your near future to saturate in prayer from start to finish!

In this Challenge, you’ll find:

  • A Prayer Schedule that includes prayer prompts throughout the day.
  • A worksheet to help center your mind around prayer, the Challenge, and of course, your relationship with God.
  • Questions for reflection upon completion of the Challenge, to help you better process your experience.

Prayer Life | Closeness To God | Prayers

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