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Youth Sermons
Coming up with ideas for youth sermons can be tough! Sometimes you feel like you’ve talked about everything with your group and just can’t figure out what to do next! You want to have relevant youth sermons for your students, but feel like you’re scraping the barrel to come up with what direction to go next!
We’ve been there! That’s why we came up with this list of 450 topics for youth sermons to jump-start your thinking and help you figure out what to talk about in your next youth sermon, series, or lesson.
With as many ideas as there are on this list, we know that it’s still just scratching the surface. There are infinite ideas for youth sermons – we just wanted to give you a list to turn to if you’re trying to figure out what to talk about next.
If you find a topic on this list you’d like to speak on, we encourage you to just take it from there and dig further into how you’d present the issue. But the one thing we want to stress is that in our belief, after 27 years combined experience in youth ministry, is that all good youth sermons relate directly back to Jesus.
Every topic on this list, in one way or another, can be brought back to the cornerstone truth of our Gospel – that Jesus Christ lives, wants a relationship with us, and wants to change our lives now and eternal.
Seriously, every youth sermon can relate directly to Jesus.
To prove it to you, we’re going to take one of the most random topics on this list – which is under the category of Self-Issues – A youth sermon about “catfishing”/pretending to be someone else online.
Now, you probably know what a “catfish” is, but just in case you don’t, we’ll explain it to you. A “catfish” comes from the MTV show “Catfish” is a slang term for a person online using a fake photo or fake name to pretend like they are someone else. A catfish typically has fake social media accounts and tries to lure others into relationships, providing information, or exploiting by some other means.
So how could you take a topic like this and relate it back to Jesus? It’s simpler than you might think.
Impersonating someone else online is an identity issue, and the “catfish” are often people who are very insecure in their identities and don’t value their worth.
A great lesson on this real issue teens face would begin by examining why people pretend to be someone else online and asking the students if they’ve ever encountered this problem (they almost certainly have) and why they think students do that.
You might then share a real-life story found online about the detrimental effects of impersonating others, and help the teens to see that this can lead to real problems
Then, using a passage of Scripture that speaks to Jesus imparting identity on us (Matt. 11:28, John 15, etc), interface with the issue of catfishing contrasted with finding a rooted identity in Christ.
Wrap up the lesson with some small group questions that focus on exploring false identity and social media use, the reasons behind it, how God wants us to think about our identity, and how we should respond to people who use fake identities online.
See what we mean? Every youth sermon can relate directly back to Jesus.
This is one of the most important ways to create a youth group culture that is centered on Christ and Gospel-focused.
So as you read through this list, please think in terms of how you can relate these topics directly to the truth of who God is and what God is doing through the ministry of Christ and the Holy Spirit in our lives.
We hope this list helps spur your thoughts and we’d love to hear about any great youth sermons or ideas that you are able to piece together from ideas on this list!
Below you will find 17 categories for Youth Sermons. under each category, you will find specific topics, main ideas, and even questions that can lead you to crafting great youth sermons.
And to accompany these sermon topics we have 128 small group questions for youth group. Check out these small group questions for youth group that will get your students really talking.
Also, if you are looking for some great no prep youth group games, you can check out our 50 no prep youth group games, perfect for tiny youth groups and a big youth ministries.
Get the free Youth Group Planning Cheat Sheet and Stop All of your planning problems!
Self-Issues Youth Sermons
As mentors and leaders of youth, it’s important to spend time addressing the real issues they face everyday, and often matter to them the most. Our faith has much to speak into the lives of youth, and our job is to help foster an identity rooted in Christ. Choosing individual topics about self-issues for sermons and lessons is great way to engage youth personally and get them to think about the everyday decisions that they make.
Self-Issues Youth Sermons
Peer pressure
Healthy boundaries
Concern about the future
Worry about grades
Worry about popularity/social status
Nutrition (self-care)
Healthy competition
Body image
Overachieving (stress, busy, etc.)
Time management – either could focus on underachieving or overachieving and the negatives of both of these
Personal finance
Stewardship/managing your money
What you consume, consumes you (i.e. what you watch, who you hang out with, what you listen to all shape you)
Alcohol use (self-care, depression, etc.)
Illegal drug use (self-care, depression, etc.)
Legal drug use (self-care, depression, etc.)
Human sexuality
Pre-marital sex
Exercise (self-care)
Getting ready for college (senior high youth)
Getting ready for High School (middle/junior high youth)
Lying – why is it important to be honest.
Coveting other’s possessions
Coveting other’s status
Coveting other’s relationships
Grudges vs forgiveness
Forgiving yourself
Being hard on yourself or pressuring yourself
Seeking internet fame
Real life versus online persona (does who you are online match who you are in the real world)
Catfishing/impersonating others
Internet bullying/trolling
How to choose a fulfilling career
How to discern God’s calling in your life
What to look for in a marriage partner
Lessons on managing self and finances
What are you going to do after high school?
What is your ambition for high school (for middle school students)?
Relationship Youth Sermons
Perhaps at no other point in life are relationships and friendships thought about so much as during the teenage years. In many ways, teenage life is defined by their relationships with other people. Naturally, its important for youth ministers and leaders to shape their thinking on relationships through a Christian world view. Relationship sermons and lessons are another good way to address regular student issues, while simultaneously improving the health and culture of your youth group.
Relationship Youth Sermons
Fighting at home with family
What respecting parents looks like
Healthy family relationships
Healthy friendships
Healthy romantic relationships
What is a bad friend? What is a good friend?
Internet relationships
Being physical in a relationship
Conflict resolution
What to do if you have a friend that is in trouble?
What to do if you have a family member that is in trouble?
What if do if you or a friend is in an abusive relationship?
How many friends should you have? (The quality of your relationships)
Tackling being a different person around changing audiences, i.e. parents, friends, church, etc.
How to handle a breakup
How to breakup with someone
What to do when your good friends break up? (loyalty vs. grace)
Handling drama in relationships and friendships
Reasons to break up with someone
Social Justice/Mission Youth Sermons
Topics related to social justice and mission are broad and cover a wide-range of political and cultural issues. Sermons and lessons on these issues are a great way to help students think about current issues and expand their thinking beyond their own personal experience.
Social Justice/Mission Youth Sermons
Lessons on racism and race relations
Helping students think about sexual harassment/abuse
Local/National poverty
Global poverty
Alcohol and substance abuse/recovery
Environmental issues/stewardship of planet
Human trafficking
Global war/genocide
Global child labor/working conditions/fair trade
Oppressed populations locally and globally
Helping students think about LGBTQ issues
Debt and financial divides
Class division
Lessons from historical problems/social progress
Your Youth Group Culture Youth Sermons
All youth groups have issues that need managed and addressed from time to time. Sermons and lessons about the health of your youth group are a great way to foster a welcoming and loving environment for your teens and address issues before they become a problem. It can also be a good way to deal with any crisis situations that have occurred unexpectedly within your group.
Your Youth Group Culture Youth Sermons
Creating a welcoming youth group
Inviting friends to youth group
Cliques in youth group
Sharing privacy in youth group (creating a safe place)
Dealing with gossip
Help the group think about break-ups among students in the group
Being friends at school and not just youth group
Building student leaders within the group
How to have respect for one another
Importance of making time for youth group activities
What it looks like to love one another within the group
What forgiveness might mean within the group
Preparing for an upcoming mission/retreat
Worship attendance/being part of the church in addition to youth group
Integrating up and coming students
Relationships with students who have left the youth group/graduated
Christian Theology Youth Sermons
As part of our duty to shape youth into critically-thinking adults, we need to address theological issues with teens. If we are not able to help them develop a mature understanding of faith, then who will? If you are not as comfortable with theological topics as other issues, be sure to find reputable resources to help you prepare your lessons. Make sure that what you teach is accurate! Additionally, it’s very important to use your church’s beliefs and doctrines as the basis for your teaching, and make sure to check-in with your pastor or other church leaders if you’re not entirely certain what your denomination or church believes on a particular issue.
Christian Theology Youth Sermons
Explaining the Trinity
Who Is God The Father?
Who Is The Holy Spirit?
Who is Jesus?
What is sin?
What is Heaven?
What purpose does the Bible serve in our theology?
How did God create the world?
When did God create the world?
Why did God give Adam and Eve an option to disobey?
Why doesn’t God just wipe out Satan?
How is God three in one?
Is God judgmental?
Is God good?
Is God the only Creator?
Is God a man?
Is God a human being?
Is God all-powerful?
Is God all-knowing?
Where does God live?
Is God everywhere?
Natural revelation (seeing God in nature)
Specific revelation (leaning about God through Scripture and life of Christ)
Holy Spirit’s ministry to us
What is holiness?
What is Heaven like?
What happens when you die?
Understanding freewill and choices
Do you go directly to heaven when you die?
What are angels and what do they do?
Do demons exist?
What does evil want to do to us?
Is Satan everywhere?
How is Jesus both fully human and fully God?
How did Jesus’ death fix the problem of sin?
Bible – Overview Topics – Youth Sermons
The Bible is the foundation of most of our understanding of faith, and helping youth grow in their understanding of the Bible is a way to equip them for a lifetime in faith. Many teens are confused by the Bible, or only have a rudimentary understanding of it. You should seriously consider the right environment for Bible teaching and how you incorporate it into your youth ministry for the maximum impact.
Bible – Overview Topics – Youth Sermons
What is the Bible and what is it’s significance?
How was the Bible written?
Was the Bible written just for me?
How have people used the Bible throughout history?
How has the use of the Bible spread throughout the world?
What is a Bible translation, what is a good one for me, and what are the differences between them?
How much should I read the Bible?
What to do if you don’t understand something in the Bible?
Who are trusted people to go to with questions about the Bible?
What to think if your friends or family don’t trust or believe in the Bible.
Is the Bible actually God’s Word?
Is everything in the Bible important to me?
Why did God decide to give us the Bible, instead of some other form of communication?
Can you pick and choose Bible verses?
Importance of reading the Bible in context of surrounding passages
Can God do things in ways that aren’t outlined in the Bible?
What is a prophecy in the Bible and how should you think about it?
Are prophecies in the Bible for the future or have they already been fulfilled?
The Jewishness of Jesus
Old Testament – General Topics – Youth Sermons
The Old Testament is almost certainly less understood among Christians in general than the New Testament, and helping youth to develop their concept of the Old Testament will provide a foundation for answering major questions as they get older and encounter many different perspectives on the Bible and faith. The Old Testament is very broad in its topics, and it may be best to simply choose topics you feel led to teach on and develop a plan around incorporating them into your youth ministry.
Old Testament – General Topics – Youth Sermons
What is the Old Testament?
How should we think about the Old Testament as Christians today?
Summary/Quick Survey of the Old Testament events.
What is a covenant?
What is a prophecy?
Story of God’s Covenants with Noah, Abraham, Moses and David
Who is the nation of Israel and where did they come from?
The Jewish relationship with the Torah and Old Testament
The importance of understanding Israelite and Jewish beliefs for reading the New Testament.
Why are there so many rules in the Old Testament?
Does God expect us to follow all the rules in the Old Testament?
Where was Jesus in the Old Testament?
What are Psalms and how can you use them?
What are Proverbs and how can you use them?
How to think about sacrifices in the Old Testament?
Number 16 What was the purpose of feasts for the people of the Old Testament?
Old Testament – Specific Bible Story Ideas – Youth Sermons
There are many great stories from the Old Testament that teach us about who God is and what God’s vision and values for us are like. There are potentially thousands of stories you could derive from the Old Testament, and this list is intended to help jump start your thinking about teaching from the Old Testament and represents many of the most well-known stories from its pages.
Old Testament – Specific Bible Story Ideas – Youth Sermons
God created the universe and world.
God created human beings in His image.
God’s relationship with Adam and Eve before the Fall and after the Fall.
The Fall/First Sin
Why did God allow humans to be tempted by sin?
Story of Noah
God’s Covenant with Noah
Story of Abraham
God’s Covenant with Abraham
Story of Issac
Story of Jacob
Story of Joseph
Story of Moses’s birth
Story of God’s calling of Moses with the burning bush
Story of Moses and Aaron confronting Pharaoh
Story of the Exodus/Crossing Red Sea
Giving of the Ten Commandments
Understanding the Old Testament Law/Covenant
Israelites and the Golden Idol
Studies in the Ten Commandments
Lessons on manna and God’s direction in the desert
Story of Jericho/Rahab
Story of Moses’ failure to enter the Promised Land
Story of Joshua leading into the Promised Land
Stories from Judges (Samson, Deborah, etc)
The near collapse/civil war of the tribes of Israel (end of Judges)
Story of Ruth
Story of Samuel’s birth
Calling of Saul/Saul’s anointing
Failures of Saul
Calling of David/Samuel’s anointing
David and Goliath
Friendship of Jonathan and David
Story of Saul, Jonathan and David
Story of David sparing Saul’s life
Story of David becoming king
God’s Covenant with David
Story of David’s worship and celebration
David as author of many Psalms
Stories from David’s Mighty Men
Story of David, Bathsheba and Uriah
Nathan’s prophecy to David
Solomon becomes king
Solomon builds the temple
Solomon’s temptations and failures
Struggles of kings after Solomon
Elijah’s opposition to idolatry
Elijah finds God on the mountain top
Elijah mentors Elisha
Elijah taken to Heaven
The split of Israel into two nations
The exile of Israel
The fall of Judea
Story of Esther
Story of Nehemiah rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem
Ezra reads the Law
Studies in Psalms
Prophecies in Psalms
Studies in Proverbs
Story of Job
Job’s friends sit with him for a week
Lessons from Ecclesiastes
Prophecies of Isaiah about Jesus
Messianic prophecies throughout the Old Testament
Story of Jonah
Jonah flees from his calling
Jonah’s prayer in the fish
Jonah upset that God spaced Nineveh
Story of Daniel
Overview of the Exile
The return from Exile
What the Old Testament prophets expected the Messiah to be like
The Gospels – General Topics – Youth Sermons (See Also Christmas and Easter Sermon Ideas)
Helping youth understand the basic background, theology, and concepts in the Gospels will create a basis for better understanding Jesus’ ministry and teaching. Many of these topics synthesize broad and core elements of our faith. These are great topics for introducing more Bible study to a group, or helping students who have a fragmented understanding of Jesus’ ministry and what it means.
The Gospels – General Topics – Youth Sermons
What is the Kingdom of Heaven?
Parables about the Kingdom of Heaven
Parables about God’s love
Parables about God’s judgment and justice
Did Jesus’ family believe He was God?
What Jesus did in His 3 Year Ministry
Why did Jesus heal people?
Why did Jesus feed/serve others?
What does Incarnation mean?
Why did Jesus have to become a human being?
How was Jesus both fully human and fully God?
Why did Jesus primarily train 12 people?
Examination of individual disciples’ background
The character and development of Peter
The role of women in Jesus’ ministry
Jesus’ love and respect for his mother
Did Jesus know he was God?
What were the people’s expectation of the Messiah?
The relationship/competition between Jesus and the Pharisees
A look at Jesus’ family
Jesus as a person born into an oppressed and conquered society
What is the race of Jesus?
What did Jesus look like?
Where was Jesus before His birth?
Gospel Story Youth Sermons
One of the most important things we can do is teach students about who Jesus is and what He’s done. There are hundreds of stories from the Gospels that can do this, and virtually every verse in the Gospels could be crafted into a meaningful sermon. This is simply an overview of best-known stories from the Gospels that you might turn to when teaching specifically about Jesus’ ministry.
Gospel Story Youth Sermons
Why did God choose Mary and Joseph to be Jesus’ earthly parents?
What was the role of John the Baptist?
Story of Jesus’ birth
Story of Jesus and family fleeing to Egypt
Story of Jesus in the Temple as a boy
Story of Jesus’ temptation in the desert
Story of Jesus turning water into wine
Story of Jesus clearing the temple
Story of Jesus calling Nathaniel
Story of Jesus and Nicodemus
Jesus begins His ministry preaching “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven has drawn near”
Story of Jesus calling Peter
Stories of Jesus calling the disciples
Story of Jesus and the woman at the well
Story of the healing of the Centurion’s servant
Jesus and dealing with critics
Jesus using salt and light as metaphors for us
Peter confesses Jesus to be the Messiah
Stories of Jesus’ exorcisms and healings
Story of Jesus feeding the masses
Lessons from the Beatitudes
Lessons from the Sermon on the Mount
Why did Jesus teach in parables?
Lessons from a favorite parable
The masses begin to turn from Jesus as his teachings become harder
Story of Jesus calming the storm
Story of Jesus walking on water
Story of Jesus raising Jarius’ daughter
Story of the friends lowering the paralyzed man through the roof
Story of Mary and Martha
Story of Jesus raising Lazarus
Jesus’ final night of prayer as depicted in John
Lessons from John 15 (Vine and Branches)
Lessons about communion and the Last Supper
Lessons from the plot against Jesus
Lessons from the betrayal of Jesus by Judas
Lessons from Jesus’ prayer in the Garden
Lessons from Jesus’ arrest
Lessons from Jesus’ trial
Story of Jesus’ beating and crucifixion
Lessons from the death of Jesus
Lessons from the Resurrection
Lessons from the appearances of Jesus post-Resurrection
Lessons from the Great Commission
New Testament Acts and Epistles Youth Sermons
The development of the Church, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and the spread of the Gospel, are the Bible’s connection between the life of Jesus and the Kingdom as it exists today. Helping students understand how to read and Acts and the Epistles is a great way to equip them for understanding theology, what the church is, and what day-to-day Christian life should look like.
New Testament Acts and Epistles Youth Sermons
What is an epistle and how were they written?
Who were the writers of the New Testament?
How was the world of the New Testament like ours and how was it different?
Is the New Testament more important then the Old Testament?
What happened between the Old Testament and the New Testament?
The establishment of the first church
The stoning of Stephen
The persecution and conversion of Saul/Paul
What did the disciples do after Jesus’ ascension
Who is Paul and what did he do?
Paul is reconciled with the first disciples and James
Lessons from Paul’s missionary mission
Paul preaching in Athens
Paul is persecuted and imprisoned by officials
What is justification and sanctification?
What are tongues and prophecy
Lessons on spiritual gifts
Thinking about yourself as part of the Body of Christ
Forgiveness from sin
Faith without good works is dead (James)
Lessons on salvation by faith
Lessons on bodily Resurrection and Rapture
Lessons on original sin
Jesus as our High Priest (Hebrews)
Healthy marital relationships
The value of humility
Lessons on avoiding favoritism (James)
Definition of true love (1 Cor. 13)
Lessons on the Fruit of the Spirit
The Armor of God (Ephesians)
Lessons from the Heroes of Faith (Hebrews 11)
What is the book of Revelation and how should we understand it?
Depiction of heavenly worship (Rev. 4)
God restores His people (Rev. 21)
How To Use The Bible In Your Life Youth Sermons
Students are often confused as to what purpose, if any, the Bible should play in their day to day life. Sermons and lessons focused specifically on this topic can encourage students to have a stronger relationship with the Bible and demystify its role in the Christian life.
How To Use The Bible In Your Life Youth Sermons
Lessons in how to read and understand the Bible
Importance of learning the Bible
Understanding the Bible as a complete overall story
Why you should memorize Scripture
How you pick Scripture to memorize
What kind of Bible translation/version should you use
What to think when talking with someone who interprets the Bible differently
Building a personal reading plan that fits your life
Picking a “life verse” – a verse that really connects with you
My favorite Scripture(s) and why. (This could be taught by youth leader and/or youth themselves as a sharing night)
Ways to share the Bible with others
Salvation/Evangelistic/Making Commitment To Jesus Youth Sermons
There may be seasons and times when you’ll want to challenge students even more directly than usual to make commitments to Jesus. The following is a list of various approaches you might take for lessons that you hope will lead to youth accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
Salvation/Evangelistic/Making Commitment To Jesus Youth Sermons
What does it look like to be saved?
How does a person become saved?
What do you actually need saved from?
What to think if you think you’ve already made a commitment to Jesus but you aren’t sure
What to think if you’re the only person in your family who is a Christian.
What to think if most of your friends are not Christian.
How did Jesus’ death atone for sin?
First steps to take after accepting Jesus as Lord of your life
What does the Holy Spirit do after you accept Jesus?
Should you be instantly changed when you become a Christian?
Should you feel different inside when you’re saved?
Does God treat you differently when you become a Christian?
Christianity/Relationship With God Youth Sermons
Few teenagers have an organized life of discipleship, and that’s why it is important to help them understand the rhythms and routines of Christian faith. Teaching youth to find their own expression and practice of faith will enable them to take ownership of their beliefs and create stability in their relationship with God.
Christianity/Relationship With God Youth Sermons
What does prayer time look like?
Why it’s important to pray
What are spiritual disciplines
Discovering your worship style
What service or mission is God calling you to?
Why it’s important to read the Bible
Why it’s important to share your relationship with God with others
Why it’s important to go worship
Moving your relationship with God from only at church to everywhere you go
Does God care if I pray?
What should my prayer life look like?
How to read the Bible
What are the first books or passages in the Bible I should read
How do you become a Christian?
How do you know you are a Christian?
Memorizing Scripture verse living Scripture
Should you be instantly changed when you become a Christian?
Why does God care about sin?
Are there big sins and little sins?
Does God hear prayers before you are saved?
What does God do/think if you mess up and sin?
What does forgiveness from God look like?
Who should I pray to – God The Father? Jesus? Holy Spirit? All?
Apologetic Questions Youth Sermons
Your teenagers have probably already encountered challenging questions about the faith. Creating a safe environment in your youth ministry is a way to handle those questions in an appropriate place and build up faith. Tough questions are a way to build faith, and sermons and lessons focused on apologetic questions show that you’re open to discussion and critical thought.
Apologetic Questions Youth Sermons
Is the Bible accurate?
Is it okay to doubt God?
Why do bad things happen to good people?
Is my friend or family member going to Hell because they don’t believe in Jesus?
Do you have to believe in God (The Trinity) to get to Heaven?
Do we have a choice to follow God or does He pick us? (refer to your church’s doctrinal beliefs, such as if they adhere to Calvinism or Arminianism
Why is God so “mean” in the Old Testament?
Is human evolution true?
By what method did God create the universe?
Did God set everything into motion and forget about it?
How do we know there is only one God and not others.
Is God just “the Universe”?
Did Jesus really die on the cross?
Did Jesus actually exist?
Are there other books in the Bible that aren’t included or were banned?
Have Christians done terrible things throughout history?
Are all religions basically the same?
Do Christians and Muslims believe in the same God?
Do you really need Christian community to be a believer? (Can’t you just practice faith privately?)
Church Issues Youth Sermons
What are the different denominations?
What is unique about your denomination (if you are in a denomination or if not, what that’s unique)
Contemporary worship vs. Traditional worship
What is our church’s view on who can be a leader or pastor?
The church’s obligations to the community
Is it important to attend church?
Is youth group “my church”?
Lessons on baptism
Lessons on communion
Lessons on church membership (or why your church doesn’t have membership)
Qualifications for being a church leader (use your church’s theology/doctrine/rules in shaping your lesson)
The importance of Missions/Service
Seasonal/Holidays Youth Sermons
The following is a list of ideas that might be helpful for specific times of the year that lend themselves closely to sharing Christian teaching and theology. There are many ways you can approach holidays, and we encourage you to examine the meaning of these particular seasons for your group and think about how you can best minister to them through seasonal ministry.
New Year’s
A review of the past year, helping youth process the decisions they made that led them to this very point. (Youth sermon idea is
Looking towards the New Year a youth sermon on how to make lasting change
Valentine’s Day
What is the true definition of love shown in 1 Corinthians 13?
Being alone on Valentine’s day, it’s not such a bad thing. A lesson on self-esteem, self-worth, independence.
Why not show love every day, not just on February 14th? A lesson talking about how Jesus always showed true love.
One of the Fruit of the Spirit is love, did you know love is a gift from God?
Romantic love isn’t just passion. Exploring what long-lasting love really looks like.
St. Patrick’s Day
Explain the meaning behind the holiday, what St. Patrick’s ministry was and what we can learn from it today.
Spring Break
Making good choices despite temptation
Why did Jesus have to die?
What happened at the Cross?
What happened at the Tomb?
What is Lent and why is it important or not important?
Should you give something up for Lent? A look into the spiritual discipline of fasting or the Fruit of the Spirit self-control.
How did Jesus death atone for sin?
How are you going to use your time off? (a lesson on time management and goals)
Beginning of the school year
New beginnings, how to make this the best school year. (A lesson on identity, goals, or determination)
Why some Christians don’t celebrate Halloween
Should we as Christians dress up and pretend to be something else, especially if it is a “dark” character or thing? (identity topic or choices topic)
Is it ok to celebrate Halloween? (Explore from your church’s perspective)
What is Christian service, servitude?
Why it is important we give and serve
A night praying for people who are homeless, without loved ones, or down on their luck. Possibly coupled after a mission/service outing.
A night of Thanksgiving. Have an event where the youth can share all of the things they are thankful for and hold a big youth group family dinner. Preach on the importance of gratitude.
Why was Jesus born as a baby and what does that mean?
Retell the Christmas story and break it down for them explaining the different aspects as recorded in the Gospels.
Discuss the Incarnation and God’s grace in becoming human.
That’s it for now!
We hope we gave you at least an idea or two 🙂
Additional Resources
We also have a big list of small group questions for youth group that can get your students really talking. These questions go along with a lot of the topics presented in this post.
We have another AWESOME, AMAZING free resource, 50 no prep youth group games. This list is perfect for extremely tiny youth groups to large ones. What’s great about this list is that we provide instructions for each game. Go check it out and see if you find some games your group has never played before! 50 no prep youth group games.
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