Imagine what every day would look like if you invested just a snippet of it to connecting to God in a very intentional way?
When we connect to God our lives produce more Fruit:
- More peace less anxiety.
- More joy less worry.
- More love less bitterness.
- More gentleness less harshness.
Our relationship with God brings these things, but not just magically, but through our living breathing ongoing relationship with God.
And that is why this membership exists, to provide you with bite-size pieces of truth each day that help form a solid foundation in you so that whatever the world throws your way, you stand resilient in the Lord’s love.
Here’s what you get every month in your Forevergreen Membership:
- The current month’s Christian PDF planner (Standard, Bullet Journal Style, and Blank Dates), which has a unique worksheet for each day that is comprised of:
- Daily Scripture
- Daily Devotions
- Daily Reflection Question
- Daily Prayer Prompt
- A place to plan out your day
- Daily Truth For The Day- A way to wrap up the whole worksheet and carry you off standing strong in God’s truth and love for you for that day!
2. Daily Email Devotions
3. A monthly Bible Study
4. Worship playlist
5. Lock-screens, home decor printables, and desktop background on theme
6. Additional planner & stationery sheets, Christian sticker printable, and other awesome bonuses!
7. A Private Facebook Group!
Here is a sample of what the digital planner looks like and a sample of one of the planner sheets.

A sample of a planner sheet
Additionally, the planner comes in three formats to suit your preferences:
- Current Dates
- Blank Dates
- Bullet Journal Style
And all the planner content can be delivered to you via daily emails.
Our members LOVE this option as it keeps them on track and a way to do quiet time at work!
Each day with Forevergreen only takes a few minutes to complete!
It’s a primer for your day. A way to plan your day with God that guides you to deeper faith. You will not find another planner or daily emails like this anywhere. It is truly one of a kind.
The Forevergreen Membership Is A Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Plan For Growing Unshakable Faith.
Forevergreen Membership
- Monthly Christian Planner in three formats
- An option to get the planner content delivered in a daily email
- Monthly Bible Study released the 15th of every month
- Monthly 60-minute worship playlist
- Monthly lock-screens and home decor printables
- Additional planner & stationery sheets, Christian sticker printable, and other awesome bonuses!
- A Private Facebook Group!
Is This A Physical Product?
All materials in this membership are digital only. That is why we can keep the cost so low!
How Is The Membership Different Than Free Spiritually Hungry Challenges?
Our monthly free Challenges use the same Scripture as the Membership, and provide you some structure to follow, but that’s where the similarities end. The free Challenges are self-guided “lite” versions, where as the Forevergreen Membership is a comprehensive exploration on the most important topics for building strong faith. If you have used our free Challenges in the past, then we’re confident you’ll love Forevergreen and find even more depth and value in it.
Can I Cancel Anytime?
Are There Refunds?
Does The Forevergreen Membership Plan Fit With The Teachings Of My Church?

I hope you join this amazing and life-changing membership! With all of my heart, I believe that our relationship with God can only grow deeper and stronger the more we attend to it. Through a stronger relationship with God, we become stronger people and better people. We become people who are filled with joy, love, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control.
Our Jesus – the One we follow – has so much to offer us, but too many Christian don’t know how to tap into that reality. Jesus came to give us life and life to the fullest filled with the Fruit of the Spirit. A life where we are stable, strong, and unshaken by anything we face…because we know we are the Lord’s and He is ours.
We live in a hidden reality, a kingdom that isn’t seen by many, but is a sanctuary in this often harsh world.
I created this membership because I wanted to offer you insightful ways to see how Jesus wants more for you. This is a modern discipleship plan for the modern woman of 2020.
The Forevergreen Membership is the result of my journey with Christ, with my career in ministry, and my education and training at Denver Seminary. My life has been leading up to this point and I hope you join me in this new ministry because I believe God has something amazing in store for you!