by Aaron Waid | Apr 6, 2020 | Blog, Devotions, Easter
What is the right way to help another person see the error in their ways? Let me cut to the chase – if you really want to follow Jesus, there sometimes have to be a few difficult conversations, particularly if you are leading others. Our calling is to love...
by Aaron Waid | Mar 16, 2020 | Ministry Resources
In this article, we’ve put together a primer for building up and deepening your church’s online worship experience. With just as little extra effort, you can take a video message and turn it into a stronger discipleship opportunity that is tailored to your worshipping...
by Aaron Waid | Sep 30, 2019 | Blog, Christian Growth, Spiritual Formation
We all want it – to have our identity in Christ be unshakable. But for many of us, we just can’t seem to live out the truth day in and out that we are a child of God. Yes, we might understand that we’re a child of God on an intellectual level. But...
by Aaron Waid | Mar 4, 2019 | Bible Study, Blog, Christian Growth, Quiet Time Resources
A few days ago, my Mom came to visit and she brought with her a number of items from my childhood home that she thought I’d like to have. Among them were a pair of little New Testaments that were given to me as a child. I instantly remembered each little Bible,...
by Aaron Waid | Jun 27, 2018 | Blog, Christian Growth
Why Men Hate Going To Church And Some Gentle And Practical Tips For Helping Him Want To. By Aaron Waid If your guy doesn’t want to attend church with you, don’t feel alone (though, of course, that is how it feels!) Women from all walks of life struggle with getting...